
Week 2 of NSM – Slips, Trips and Falls


While seemingly harmless, slips, trips and falls are some of the most common hazards that we face in the workplace, and they can have some serious consequences. Most fall hazards overlooked because they aren’t taken seriously or workers aren’t sure what to say. We’ve all been in a situation where our coworkers are doing something risky and we weren’t sure how to handle it. The National Safety Council* outlines the following three scenarios and tips on how to handle each conversation:

At Portacool, we have covered several hazards that may result in slips, trips, and falls in our weekly safety emails. When you mend the problem at the root, you can avoid hazards that lead to injuries and incidents.

When you see a risk with a simple fix, don’t hesitate to fix it. Sometimes that means cleaning up a mess you didn’t create or having an awkward conversation, but the end result is worth it.

*Information pulled from National Safety Council’s National Safety Month Materials –